AMAZING: Get Rid Of Cockroaches Forever With This Trick!

Cockroaches are one of the strongest insects on Earth, and they are able to survive even the most severe and extreme conditions.
For instance, reports suggest that these insects were among the only survivors of Nagasaki and Hiroshima after they have been bombed by the U.S. in 1945. Cockroaches may live even if they lack their head.

However, our struggle to get them out of our homes and buildings is not over, and we are going to win the fight!

We will reveal the most effective remedy that will help you eliminate these insects and prevent their recurrence! This mixture contains a rather surprising ingredient, as it is not generally known to be deadly.

 In order to do this trick, you will need the following things:
2.5 oz. of 100% boric acid
A bowl
A fork

Initially, boil the eggs for 12-15 minutes and afterwards, remove their shell. Then, remove the yolks as well, and place them in another container. Mix them with the boric acid. Then, add a cup of sugar in order to add to the consistency and continue adding until it stops being crummy, and becomes similar to play-dough.

It is entirely safe for you to touch it, but it is not safe to put it in the mouth, so make sure your pets stay away from it.

Next, you should try and form it into balls. The balls should be placed in numerous locations around the house, and do no forget the closets, shelves and kitchen cabinets.

Moreover, cockroaches love the bathroom, as it is a dark and wet place, so make sure you place the balls of the prepared mixture there as well.

And this is all you have to do. Now, you should wait for some time for your weapon to give the desired effect. At the beginning, you may think that it doesn’t work, and then, after a few days, you will start noticing dead cockroaches all around your house. The results are guaranteed!