Patients Suffering From Heart Disease May Just Use Turmeric Instead of Aspirin

A recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism confirmed that turmeric is much better than aspirin when it comes to preventing heart disease.

Because of this, it is safe to say that turmeric is the most recognized spice in the world by scientists, especially when it comes to its health benefits. Its efficiency in beating heart disease is just one of the many reasons why you should consume turmeric every day.

Turmeric on Heart Disease

Turmeric has already garnered a lot of attention from numerous people, especially on social media. There are also several studies that put the potential of the spice in various illnesses. The new study mentioned above showed that extract of the spice has significantly improved the blood vessels in just a few months. The 59 participants had no signs of heart diseases prior to the study. For a total of eight weeks, they were asked to either take a placebo, 50 mg of the spice, or 200 mg of turmeric extract.

After the study, those who took 200 mg per day experienced a substantial increase in the health of their blood vessels, which is very important to heart health as well as in preventing heart diseases. The authors of the study later concluded that adding turmeric or curcumin every day to a healthy lifestyle can dramatically reduce cardiovascular disease risk.

But What Makes Turmeric Better than Aspirin?

Aside from the fact that there aren’t many reported side effects in taking curcumin supplements daily compared to aspirin for blood thinning, turmeric may have the following benefits which can lead to better heart health:

ü  Reduces inflammatory response of the body
ü  Prevents blood coagulation
ü  Relieves pain
ü  Lowers cholesterol levels

There have been a number of studies that showed how turmeric can act the same way as aspirin does. Daily intake of the spice can slow down and prevent blood clotting, which makes it a good alternative to anti-coagulants or anti-platelets, such as aspirin, clopidogrel, enoxaparin, and ibuprofen. Some people suffer from overdose of their medication, such as with ibuprofen, which can result to excessive bleeding and even hemorrhage, as well as headaches, back pain, and difficulty breathing.

Even in the mid-80s, turmeric has been suggested as treatment for vascular thrombosis. Because it has relatively no side effects, turmeric may be a better option for patients with heart disease and those who are high at risk of developing it.