Native Americans Used To Cure Everything From Inflammation To Infections With These 10 Medicinal Plants!

The Cherokee Indians believed that the Creator has provided all the needed herbs for all kinds of natural healing of various health issues.

They have used the following ones for hundreds of years:

1. Mint
The mint tea treats digestive issues and an upset stomach. The Cherokee crushed and bruised the leaves to prepare a compress and relieve itching and pain. Mint is also useful in the case of allergies, nausea, and fatigue.

2. Yellow Dock
This herb has been used for cooking, as its long roots are high in vitamins and minerals. Yet, its leaves are high in iron and have laxative effects, and the crushed roots mixed with warm water serve as a potent antiseptic.

3. Blackberry
Blackberries are rich in antioxidants that strengthen the immune system and promote cardiovascular health. It has been popularly used to treat an upset stomach, chewing on its leaves soothes sore gums, and blackberry tea reduces swelling in the joints.

To treat a cough, prepare natural syrup by mixing blackberry root mixed with honey or maple syrup.

4. Cattail
It is easily digestible, and its consumption was believed to prevent illness or assist in recovery.

5. Yarrow
Yarrow effectively treats external wounds on the skin. You should apply its fresh, crushed leaves to open wounds to stop excess bleeding and prevent infections, while the tea of its leaves helps digestion and helps with kidney or gallbladder issues.

6. Sumac
Sumac is high in antioxidants which promote healing. The tea of the leaves reduces fever, and their ointment relieves skin rashes. The berries are high in Vitamin C and can be made into a drink.

7. Greenbriar
The Cherokees used it to purify blood and as a diuretic to treat mild urinary infections. Its roots are rich in starch and minerals, while the leaves are full of vitamins and supplemental minerals.

The bark and leaves can be used to prepare an ointment which relieves minor sores and burns, and the berries can be eaten raw or made into jam.

8. Wild Ginger
The tea made from the root of wild ginger improves digestion, treats intestinal gas and an upset stomach, and the Native Americans used crushed, steeped stems of this herb to treat earaches.

9. Wild Rose
The fruit of a wild rose is known as a rose hip. It is loaded with vitamin C, and the tea has been used to boost the immune system, treat colds and flu, and stimulate the bladder and kidney function.

The roots of the buckbrush have been used to soothe inflammation and improve kidney function. This herb has been found to regulate blood pressure. To prepare tea, you should steep the leaves and flowers in boiling water for 5 minutes.