Lemon Facial At Home For Instant Bright Fair Glowing Skin

This facial is very beneficial to get rid of all skin problems. It will not only give you glowing skin instantly but will  also remove all spots, blemishes and pigmentation from your skin

This facial will complete in 4 steps. all details are given below

Lemon Facial cleanser

1 teaspoon glycerin + 1 teaspoon lemon juice

Mix both of them in clean bowl and with the help of cotton ball apply this all over your face

Lemon will clean your skin deeply, remove all dirt from your skin

[It is better to do steaming before starting with this step]
Lemon Facial Scrub

Rice Flour + Grinded lemon peel + Raw Milk

To prepare grinded peel clooecet some lemon peels after removing their juice and grind them

In a clean bowl take one and half teaspoon of rice flour
Add 1 teaspoon of grinded lemon peel
Add 2 teaspoon raw milk
Mix them
Rub it all over your face for 2-3 minutes
Rice flour is very effective to repair sun tan . Lemon will help you in skin lightening . Lactic acid is raw milk will help you in removing dead skin layer faster

Wash your face and pat dry

Lemon facial massage

Coconut oil + Lemon Juice

In a bowl take one and half teaspoon of coconut oil, in this add half spoon of lemon juice
Mix it well and your facial massage cream is ready
Massage your face with this for 5 minutes
Remove excess oil with cotton pad
Here we have use coconut oil hat is rich in anti-aging properties. Also coconut oil is rich in Vitamin E that is necessary for healthy glowing skin

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Lemon Face Pack

Glycerin + Rose Water + Lemon Juice

In a bowl take 1/4 teaspoon glycerin
Add 2 teaspoon of rose water
Add 1 tsp lemon juice
Dip a compressed sheet mask in this mixture and leave it in refrigerator for 10 minutes
Apply this cool sheet mask on your face and let it sit for 15 minutes
After removing this wash your face with plain water and apply moisturizer

Never do this facial in day time as you can’t go out after applying lemon on your face. So it is better to do this facial at night time.