How To Recognize Dangerous Skin Changes?

Melanoma is a malignant tumor of the skin that may develop from mole or skin on which previously there were not any kind of changes.

Early signs of melanoma include a change in the shape and size of existing molds, discoloration, or wart anywhere on the skin. If melanoma is in the early stage, it can be successfully cured, in which case the prognosis is good. But if advanced, melanoma can metastasize to other parts of the body, in which case it becomes a serious danger.

Which people have an increased risk of melanoma?

– Individuals who have a family history of melanoma patients or any other type of skin carcinoma

– People with over 50 mold on their body

– Persons with pale tan, hair and eyes

– People who have “suspicious” mold (with irregular shape, larger than 6 mm, diverse colored)

– People who are exposed to the sun while unprotected

– People who during childhood have had several serious sunburns

What are ordinary moles like?

Normal moles are small, usually brown colored spots on the skin that can be seen in the majority of people. Moles are considered normal and harmless phenomenon, but any change in or around the mole should be taken seriously, because it may be the first sign of melanoma.

Only a small number of moles on the skin are present since birth, while most occur during lifetime.

How to recognize suspicious moles?

Follow the A, B, C, D rules to easily notice changing in molds.

These rules are very useful and will help to find “suspicious” moles. They relate to monitoring certain characteristics of moles and similar colored skin changes.

These rules are easy guide for self-diagnosing. So, if you notice any kind of the following changes, visit your dermatologist immediately.

А – Asymmetry

If you notice asymmetric mole, it could be a sign of developing skin cancer, particularly melanoma.

Even though all types of skin cancer are not asymmetric pay attention to this symptom.

What is the best way to specify asymmetry?

Drag a line down the center of the mole and check whether both sides are identical to one another. If the sides are unequal, then the mole is asymmetrical.

B – Border irregularity

Irregular, changing or expanding mole edges is a sign that the mole is growing.

C – Mole color

Skin cancer is manifested with dark moles, but it is very important to know that it can occur in several colors, including red, black, blue, white or gray.

D –Diameter

Pay attention to every change in the growth of the moles!

As a grown person, if your body does not change, your moles should not change either.

However, these signs do not apply to the hardest form of melanoma – nodular. There are separate classifications of symptoms for nodular melanoma:

– It is hard to touch

– It rises above skin level

– Fast-growing

Metastatic melanoma, despite these symptoms, can cause a range of paraneoplastic symptoms that include nausea, loss of appetite and vomiting.

Ways of preventing skin cancer

People who have atypical moles need to constantly be protected from the sun and avoid artificial sources of ultraviolet light.

Winter can be delicate if you are on the snow on a bright sunny day. The sun is very dangerous in these circumstances. In the summer it is known that between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. UV index is highest, so it is advisable to not get out of the sun.

Also people who have moles necessarily need to use products for sun protection and wear clothing that protects their entire body.

In case you notice mole changing, immediately visit your dermatologist!