5 Kinds Of Bellies That Are Not Caused By Overweight

Summer is approaching and many of us want to look perfect. However, sometimes stomach is not decreasing despite arduous exercise. But did you know that there are several situations when your belly is a result of excess weight? See what it’s about …

1. “Love handles”


“Airbag” of the sides.


-long sitting
-Love good
-Often drinking alcohol
-Entering a lot of sugar and refined carbohydrates (cookies, cakes and white bread) or starchy carbohydrates (pasta and rice)

How to get rid of it?

1. Drink less alcohol. A few glasses of wine and 3-4 times weekly link to “wine half” and fat on the sides. Stop drinking 2 weeks, then if you want, proceed moderately.

2. Change your diet. Avoid dietary products and foods with low fat. Turn to eggs, lean meat and vegetables, as well as the good fats such as avocados, nuts and sea food.

3. Make time for exercise. You do not have to go to the gym, long walks combined with advances, squats and reverse push-ups are quite enough.

Special instructions:

Exercise and proper nutrition are sufficient. They will help to reduce stomach and give you strength to continue with the routine.

2. Abdominal stress


Fat around the navel and stomach tightly.


-chronic stress
-Often skipping meals
-Drinking a lot of coffee
-Irritable bowel
-Unhealthy food (salted nuts, chips, etc.)

How to get rid of it?

1. Go to bed early. When you are under stress you sleep less, and it hinders the creation of leptin, the hormone responsible for the regulation of appetite and metabolism.

2. Relax before bed with breathing exercises, a hot bath or meditating. These useful habits will help you get enough sleep. Limit consumption of coffee at night and during the day, do not drink more than 2 cups.

3. Do not overdo body exercise. Intense cardio will only raise the level of cortisol in your body. Practice yoga, go for long walks and even exercise in the gym will calm down, just do not overdo.

4. Include magnesium in your diet. Magnesium is a mineral relaxation and is located in green vegetables, nuts and wheat bran.

Special instructions:

Practice yoga, stretch and Drink chamomile tea before bedtime. This will reduce cortisol levels and help your body to relax.

3. Low belly


You are skinny, but your lower stomach is highlighted.


-Recent pregnancy
-Monotonous and tiresome exercises in gym
-Unchanging diet
-Curvature of the spine

How to get rid of it?

1. Healthy nutrition and fiber. Green leafy vegetables, integral bread and all other sources of dietary fiber are good for you.

2. Quit squats. Probably you are doing them wrong, create too much pressure on the lower back causing distortion, and thus your belly is more pronounced. Replace the squats with Planck.

3. Equally exercise the entire body rather than just one part. Try circuit training, because it works every muscle in the body.

Special instructions:

Drink more water and eat foods that are easily digested and containing light proteins (fish and chicken).

4. Mother’s belly


After childbirth, stomach looks like you’re pregnant.


-Little time for yourself. Uterus descends down after childbirth and achieving results is harder than before pregnancy. You will need at least 6 weeks to return to your normal size.
-You started practicing early. Better to relax 2-3 months postpartum, and then start practicing.
-Weak pelvic muscles.

How to get rid of it?

1. Include fish in your diet. The more, the better.

2. Try to enter healthy fats every day, nuts, vegetable oil and olives. They will help you fight fatigue, which is a bonus for mothers.

3. Do Kegel exercises. They are like a natural corset for your body. Tighten and relax your pelvic floor muscles 15 to 20 times and repeat this exercise 5 times a day.

4. Tuck your tummy. This is a healthy habit that will keep you toned muscles without strain.

5. Quit squats and ABS workouts. These exercises are the worst for you after delivery, first allow yourself to recover.

Special instructions:

For you are perfect: afternoon naps and stretch before bedtime. Dim the windows and sleep during the day – hormones sleep will increase fat burning.

5. Swollen belly


Your stomach is flat in the morning, but increases during the day, whether you have or do not have overweight.


-Allergy to a food
-“Lazy” hoses
-Imbalance of gut flora

How to get rid of it?

1. Cut the food that does not fit your body. The most common substances that the body does not tolerate are gluten (bread, pasta), alcohol, yeast (cakes, beer) and processed dairy products (cheese, milk, butter).

2. Choose a diet rich in fresh vegetables, chicken and fish. Try to avoid breads and pastries 2 weeks and note whether flatulence diminished.

3. Do not skip breakfast. Make this meal because digestion is most preferably in the morning. Do not eat at night. Chew food and drink plenty of water.