Unique Homemade Cream To Gets Rid Of Scars Completely Within 2 Weeks

Scars are something nasty that affects your pretty look.

It can be a stain on a person’s overall personality. Scars are painless. A lot of potions and creams are available in the market for sale to fade the scars. If you don’t want to spend on these products and want to heal the scars naturally, you can opt for home remedies.

Stop hiding your scars with the help of a concealer and try out the following natural remedies for removing scars at home.

We will introduce you an excellent homemade ointment that will effectively eliminate scars in only 2 weeks!

Home Remedy for Scars


1 tablespoon natural raw honey
1/4 olive oil
3-4 drops lavender oil
¼ cup cocoa butter


Melt the cocoa butter over a hot water bath and add the same amount of olive oil to it.
Then, add 1 tablespoon of honey and 3-4 drops of lavender oil.
Leave the mixture to cool down and put it in the freezer for 15-20 minutes.
When cool, put it in a jar and close it tightly. Your homemade cream for removing scars is ready!


Apply the ointment on the scars every morning and every evening. The results will surprise you! Moreover, apart from eliminating your scars, the cream will also nourish your skin.