A mole can be charming, but if it is misplaced and bloated, it soon becomes unsightly and embarrassing. Here are some tips that have been proven to remove them naturally.

The causes of moles

Moles are pigmented spots which form on the surface of the skin. Their presence is due to a disturbance in the manufacture of melanocytes, the cells present in the skin that are responsible for its pigmentation. This process can be affected by genetics or by excessive exposure to sunlight. Moles may also increase during pregnancy.

Do not neglect a visit to the doctor even if these moles seem harmless. If you regularly have new moles or if you notice an abnormal form, it is advisable to see a specialist as soon as possible.

How to remove moles naturally?

Here are some natural tips that will help you remove permanently moles:


Prepare garlic based paste and apply it directly to your mole. Cover with a bandage and let it stand overnight. Apply this trick five times only. Make sure that your skin is not sensitive to garlic, which can be very irritating.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is very effective in treating moles. It’s an old trick known by our grandmothers who used it to make them disappear. Indeed, cider vinegar contains malic acid and tartaric acid to help dissolve the final basis mole.

For this, dab the affected area each day with cotton dipped in cider vinegar until the mole disappears.

Sour Apple Juice

Apple juice is rich in citric acid that helps dissolve moles. Acidic fruits like apples, lemons and oranges are very effective. To do this, press the juice from these fruits and apply on the affected area. Follow the treatment daily for three weeks to notice a difference.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is an herb known for its many benefits. It is rich in antioxidants that prevent aging of the skin, vitamins (A, B1, B12, B3 … E), minerals and trace elements such as calcium, sodium, magnesium, etc. It is often used as a remedy for healing the skin, healing sunburn, protection against skin diseases, prevention and treatment of moles. Do not hesitate to apply several times a day on the affected area.

Castor Oil and Baking Soda

Prepare a paste by mixing ½ teaspoon of castor oil with a teaspoon of baking soda. Apply on your mole, cover with a bandage and let it stand overnight. Castor oil is highly prized for its ability to treat certain skin conditions such as sunburn, acne or fungi. In addition, baking soda is a disinfectant that helps to clarify the skin and get rid of moles.

This trick is to be used only 2-3 times a week as baking soda can cause irritation. Always remember to apply a moisturizer afterwards.


Honey has many benefits for the skin because of its antiseptic, antibacterial and healing properties. Do not hesitate to apply daily on the affected areas to notice improvements.

Pineapple and Sea Salt

To apply this trick, mix half a cup of pineapple juice in a quarter cup of raw sea salt. Salt is a very effective exfoliant that will help you get rid of the top layer covering the mole, because it consists mainly of dead cells. The pineapple is an acidic fruit that will help dissolve the mole.

However, unlike drugs, these natural remedies require some patience. To notice the results, wait at least three weeks. Also, if your skin is sensitive, it is advisable not to apply the acid ingredients (lemon, apple cider vinegar …) for more than 15 minutes. You can relieve the tingling sensations by applying aloe Vera.