10 Good Reasons Why You Should Start Drinking Morning Warm Turmeric Water

Turmeric belongs to the ginger family and it is native to southern Asia. Turmeric has a long history of usage and it is mainly used for medicinal, culinary, dyeing, as an indicator and most often it has traditional uses.

Turmeric has been used for centuries in the Eastern cuisine, but since recently it started to be used and become recognized in the Westerns world.

Besides adding flavor and making dishes tastier and more delicious, turmeric is also considered to be beneficial in reference to fighting inflammation, slowing down the aging process, eliminating toxins… The active ingredient found in the turmeric – curcumin, makes the medicinal properties of this extremely health beneficial plant.

If you like to cook, you can simply add turmeric into your dishes and this way you can benefit from its medicinal properties. Anyway, if you are not that type of person, simply use it as a drink. What you should do is consume a mixture of turmeric and water in the morning, immediately after you wake up.

Just for you, we prepared a list of 10 good reasons why turmeric if beneficial and why you should start consuming it:

Fights inflammation
Curcumin found in the turmeric is proven to be extremely effective in reduction of inflammations, such as arthritis, indigestion and cancer.

Protects the brain
Curcumin effectively reduces the increased levels of the growth hormone BDNF, or known as Brain-Derived Neurotropic Factor, which is considered as one of the causes of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Improves digestion
Improved digestion and improved status of the overall digestive system can be the result of regular intake of turmeric.

Fights cancer
Curcumin is rich in antioxidants and therefore it is an effective cancer-fight tool.

Protects the heart
Blood clotting prevention and elimination of arterial plaque buildup is found to be the result of turmeric intake according to a study published in 2011 in the Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin.

Reduces symptoms of arthritis
Although it is not a steroid, curcumin was found, by a study conducted in 2012, to be a powerful anti-inflammatory ingredient (NSAID). It may be stronger and much more beneficial than diclofenac as it reduces pain and swelling better and faster.

Reverses type 2 diabetes
Turmeric can reverse type 2 diabetes, according to a 2009 study conducted by a team of researchers at the Auburn University, and published by Biochemistry and Biophysical Research Communications.

Makes you look and feel younger
Because curcumin fights free radicals, it improves your vitality and this way you stay in good health and shape.

Protects the liver
Turmeric with its healing processes forma a protective barrier for the liver. With this protective barrier the liver fights the toxins easily. Furthermore, turmeric regenerates the damaged liver cells; and additionally it also improves the gallbladder.

Alkalizes your body
Being alkaline, turmeric neutralizes the acidic environment in the body. Acidic environment has been linked to development of cancer.

We believe that after you have read all of the benefits that the turmeric can offer to you, you decided to prepare turmeric water, and also you have for sure promised yourself that as of tomorrow you are going to drink turmeric water every morning. Read below to learn how to prepare it:


1 teaspoon of ground turmeric
A dash of black pepper (to improve the absorption of turmeric in the body)
Cup of lukewarm water.


Mix the turmeric, the black pepper and the lukewarm water. Stir the mixture until the ingredients dissolve into the water.

Consume this drink until it is still warm.