The liver is the greatest organ in the stomach which is located on the right side, under the diaphragm. It weighs 1.2-1.6 kg, it is soft, and has red-brownish color. The liver stores vitamins, minerals, useful sugars, and fats which are important for the normal body function. The harmful fats that are not useful convert to useful material or are filtrated and then flushed out of the organism. If the amount of fats is 5% higher than its total mass, then a condition known as fatty liver appears.

Fatty liver is a common condition especially among persons above the age of 50.  If the fat percentage in the liver is above 10, it means that you need to take care of it as soon as possible, since it can lead to cirrhosis which is especially dangerous for your life and health. In this case, the liver is removed and the damage cannot be sanitized. This makes it hard for the body to function normally, causing issues with the organism.

It is important to recognize it earlier so that it does not become serious and the liver does not damage. The liver is used to process and cleanse the toxins, thus we must keep it healthy as it can seriously damage the organism.

Here is how to cleanse the liver and maintain it clean and healthy

During the early stages, the therapy starts with change of diet and lifestyle. In most cases, fatty liver won’t lead to complication which is dangerous to your life, but can cause may health issues.

Which foods you need to avoid?

You need to reduce animal fats like pig fat, sausages, fatty meat, cheese, dairy products, fried foods and usage of refined oils. Avoid chips, crackers, cakes, mayonnaise, butter, cookies, cigarettes and alcohol.

Which foods you should consume?
Consume beans, peas, string beans, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, sesame, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds. From meats, you can consume chicken without its skin (baked, or boiled, not fried), fish (prepared n aluminum foil) and vegetables.

Milk thistle for liver cleanse

The best ally of the liver is milk thistle as it consists silumarin which stimulates the regeneration of the damaged cells of the liver, while it protects the healthy ones. It is used in the treatment of alcoholism as well as in fatty liver caused by other factors. You can prepare tea from the seeds.

How to prepare it: take 1 tsp of the seeds and pour 2dl of cold water. Warm it a bit and let it stay for half an hour. Strain it and consume the tea before your meal.

You can find silumarin in nettles, thus you can consume nettle tea to fight fatty liver.

How to prepare it: take 1 tsp of nettle roots, and pour 250 ml of hot water. Drink it 2-3 times a day, but no longer than 2 weeks.

Drink green tea on daily basis

It acts like an antioxidant which decreases the amount of the damaging fats, protects the liver from damage, and helps the fight with obesity.

Do not forget the dandelion

It stimulates detox of the liver and also regenerates the damaged cells, thus dandelion is recommended in such cases.

How to prepare it: grind dried roots of the herb and take 2 tsp, putting them in a cup, pour it with hot water and drink it 3 times a day.