Natural Treatment Of Iron Deficiency Or Anemia Promising Great Results

A treatment of iron deficiency or anemia usually includes a bunch of medicines and food supplements. Fight it naturally with our help!

When the body feels weak it can be due to bad oxygenation of the body. When this happens, it could be because there is a significant decrease of red blood cells. This problem is known as Anemia and can affect children (and can cause them to collapse) as well as adults (this is the most common situation).

It is also worth mentioning that there are different types of anemia, such as vitamin B12 deficiency, hemolytic anemia due to congenital erythrocyte deficiency, drug-induced immune deficiency anemia and iron deficiency anemia.

Within the most common symptoms we can mention: chronic fatigue, agitated breathing, tachycardia, pallor, slow healing, growth retardation and alterations in the menstrual cycle.

Before sharing a list of natural remedies for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia, we want to advise you the following: eat foods with lots of iron and vitamin C and B12, eat breakfast cereals, eat beans or lentils 4 times a week and eat food with copper. Remember to visit the doctor and do not combine foods with much iron.

Natural treatment of iron deficiency Anemia

Grind and squeeze a handful of watercress, then strain it and drink it fast every day for three months.
Boil a liter of water, a tablespoon of artichoke leaves and a piece of orange peel for 10 minutes, strain it and add honey. Drink one cup a day.
Blend two large carrots plus a tablespoon of brewer’s yeast, mix well and drink for breakfast.
Eat at least three times a week: lean meat, beef liver and fat-free sirloin.
Boil 20 grams of birch and oak in half a liter of water for 10 minutes. Let the mixture cool. Have a cup after each meal.
Mix green anise, gentian, angelica root, clover of water and holy thistle in equal parts, extract a tablespoon of the mixture and pour it into a cup of boiling water. Leave it for 15 minutes and take a cup twice a day.
Eat fresh figs as a dessert or accompaniment in the meal.