Hormones are chemical messengers that control the body functions. The main sex hormones in females and males are estrogen and testosterone, respectfully, but there are many other hormones which control the body.

It will make a great difference in your health knowing how hormones function. There are some which control hunger and weight loss and they are insulin, cortisol, and leptin. Developing certain habits can boost the hormones which are used in controlling hunger and losing weight.

Most people relate insulin to diabetes. This is due to it determining if the blood sugar is used for immediate energy or stored as fat. The insulin levels are directly influenced by what you eat and how you eat. Upon eating too many carbohydrates, great amount of insulin is produced and the cells are not able to absorb it and the liver converts it to fat. In order to control insulin levels you will need to eat small meals that include vegetables, lean meats, and high-fiber grains every 2-3 hours. Avoid white bread, white sugar, white pasta, and highly processed foods.

The blood sugar is affected by cortisol, a “stress hormone”. Moreover, it regulates the metabolism, and controls salt and water balance. When you are stressed, the cortisol encourages the body to store fat around the vital organs. The process releases dangerous fatty acids into the blood and then raises cholesterol and insulin levels. In order to control the levels of cortisol, you should take a walk during your lunch break, eat slowly, cut down caffeine, and sleep minimum 7 hours.

Body fat and obesity are directly related to the hormone named leptin, the “hunger hormone”. It is released from fat cells. Its power is so big that it can affect the time of your body that requires to feel satiated on the long term. If you want to keep it under control, then you need to avoid sugary and processed foods, get full night rest, and also perform high-intensity interval training.

How your meals should look like?

Eat small meals each 2-3 hours that includes vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Moreover, you should sleep 7-9 hours per night and stay away from processed and sugary foods. Control your weight gain and hunger hormones and lead a healthy life.