How Much Walking You Need To Lose Weight

As you are probably aware, walking is among the most efficient and safest types of physical activity. It all depends on your body type, current weight and intensity/duration of walking, but it is possible to lose one pound or even more every week if you rely on this exercise.

This means that you can lose more than 10 pounds in three months and you won’t have to join a gym or fitness center to achieve that or to make radical changes in your diet.

Don’t forget that besides losing weight and burning fat, walking also helps you strengthen almost all muscle groups and boosts your overall health. When you understand how to perform walking for weight loss in the right way, you will be able to create a simple and healthy fitness routine.

How Walking Helps You Drop Weight?

Your walking pace/speed and your own weight directly affect the final number of calories you will be able to burn. Generally speaking, in case you walk  about 4 miles per hour (which is a normal pace) you will be able to burn about 400 calories in one hour.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should actually walk four miles a day. For instance, in case you walk 3 miles more you will burn 300 calories more. In addition, you can walk shorter paths, but with higher pace. Feel free to use a pedometer device to calculate the distance you’ve walked each day.

How Can Pedometers Improve Weight Loss?

In case you are interested in losing weight with the help of walking, it is always a good idea to go to the local fitness store or online and purchase a high quality pedometer. There are also some smart wristbands that can monitor your activities on a daily basis.

Pedometer is a very useful small device you can use on the clothes close to the hips. This device is lightweight and comes with a huge range of features and options. Of course, the main goal of this device is to provide precise number of steps you make while you are exercising or throughout the day.

If you want to discover how many miles you’ll need to walk to lose those stubborn extra pounds, you must figure out how many miles you are walking currently. After a few days you’ll know for sure how many miles you must add or how many steps you need to make in order to lose weight.

For instance, in case you currently make about 7.500 steps a day and you are able to keep the same weight, the number of steps you need to take each day in order to drop weight can easily be calculated with mathematical formulas. Once you know how to calculate this, you will just need to boost mileage depending on the amount of calories you want to eliminate.

So, How many Steps Each of Us Must Take to Drop Weight?

According to many experts, an average individual must make around 2000 steps in one mile because one mile eliminates roughly 100 calories. In other words, the pedometer will aid your effort to monitor the steps, how many miles you take every day and the amount of calories you’ve burned. This device can also help you in case you have limited time for physical activity because you will know how many steps you must add to achieve your goal.

One mile equals 2000 steps and about calories eliminated
One pound equals 3500 calories
If you want to lose one pound a week then you must manage to reach 500 calorie deficit each day
Finally, if you want to drop one pound every week then you must make additional 10.000 steps a day.
In case 10.000 steps seem scary to you, we will provide a couple of ideas on how to reach this seemingly huge number even if you are very busy. Keep in mind that it is not necessary to being with 10.000 steps. You can start this procedure slowly and gradually increase the number of steps you make.

Leave the bus a mile or two before your office or home and walk.
Park your car away from your final destination and walk.
Forget the lift and use the stairs.
Walk with your children to their school.
Every pedometer is different. Some of them are really sophisticated and may come with special features like the amount of calories you’ve lost and the number of pounds you’ve eliminated. They also keep records of your activities for a week or even more so you can easily analyze your progress. In this way, you will be able to monitor the progress, introduce some changes and realize how important physical activity and walking is.

Remember that you should not try to save money on your pedometer. Always purchase a reliable pedometer with good reviews and top notch features. Even the AMA (American medical Association) claims that using a pedometer is crucial for permanent weight management and efficient natural weight loss.

Is It Possible to Keep Things Interesting?

Let’s be honest – walking the same road again and again will eventually become boring, so it is nice to introduce some changes every once in a while.