Facial Hair Removal Using Turmeric, Completely Natural And Safe Way

A facial hair removal using turmeric is the best option you can choose in order to eliminate those stubborn hairs naturally and safely! See how!

Body hair appears since we enter pre-adolescence and puberty and we have to deal with them our whole of life. For many people this is an exhaustive process that must be repeated over and over again since the hair that appears on the body never stops growing.

It actually fulfills a function and this is to protect certain parts of the body so that external agents cannot penetrate our body through the pores. In some areas, such as the intima, hairs serve to avoid irritations, for example.

Because it fulfills functions and for this reason grows, the best thing for your own good would be to never remove them and allow them to fulfill their work. But in our society and culture, we love and worship the beauty and we seek continuous physical perfection, and it is not well seen to have hair on certain parts of the body.

In the case of women it is further complicated because in society it is not well seen that a lady has body hair anywhere. So the task of removing hair is even more difficult. There are methods for effecting depilation, but these methods all have their disadvantages.

Waxing is very painful and not everyone can handle this option; the use of the razor irritates the skin and also causes the skin where it is constantly shaved to become dark. Laser treatments are very effective since they allow reduction in hair growth, but not all can afford this method.

Watching from this point eliminating body hair becomes a real headache. But, don’t worry; there is the perfect solution and this is to prepare a hair removal using turmeric, which also softens the skin. It’s fantastic.

This method has been used by Middle Eastern women for many years. With this recipe you can achieve a professional hair removal and at the same time give smoothness to your skin. Here we will show you how to prepare it.

Hair removal using turmeric


2 tablespoons turmeric powder
¼ cup of milk
1 teaspoon salt
¼ cup of chickpea flour
How to make:

Combine all these ingredients until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Apply in the area you want to remove hair and let it act for 15 minutes or until it completely dries.

Now remove the paste in the direction opposite to hair growth and rinse with warm water. Remember to give it several uses so you can see lasting and tangible results.