7 Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of Hives Fast – Fetching Quick Relief

You will hardly come across a single individual who has never experienced a ‘hive attack’ in his or her life. The term Urticaria (hives) refers to a common skin condition characterized by the appearance of reddish pink welts or swollen patches/lumps which are slightly raised above the surface of the skin.

Even though these ‘hives’ tend to vary in terms of shape and size, the sufferer ends up having a really tough time due to the constant itching or burning sensation. To top it all, the outbreak of Urticaria (hives) occurs without a prior warning and catches you completely unaware! The eruption can last for a few hours, or even a couple of days, depending upon the intensity of the problem.

What could be the underlying causes behind this menace?

A sudden attack of hives can be attributed to multiple reasons. More often than not, it is an allergic reaction triggered by the release of histamine. The exact reason behind the outbreak of bee hives is yet to be ascertained by the medical sciences. Here is a list of possible triggers:

Gluten, nuts, milk, egg, soy, shellfish, tomatoes and certain other edibles
Chemical products such as talcum powder, perfumes and sprays
Aspirin, ibuprofen, ACE inhibitors and certain other medicines
Sudden changes in climatic condition
Strong emotions
Insect bites or stings

Discovering the common symptoms of Urticaria (hives)

Batches of reddish pink welts on different parts of the body
Itching and swelling
The welts change shape, disappear and return mysteriously
Burning sensation in the palms, feet, around the eyes
Tendency to flare up with heat, humidity or emotional excitement
Unpredictable and repetitive patterns
Try these natural remedies at home for alleviating your discomfort

It is needless to elaborate how the frequent appearance of such hives on the face and body can severely affect a victim’s life by interfering in his or her routine activities. The sufferer is often compelled to postpone commitments and remain indoors till the situation gets better.

In order to figure out a permanent solution for chronic Urticaria (hives) it is essential to trace the root of the issue. But this can be an extremely time-consuming process since it would require a series of pathological examinations and consequently, a number of visits to the physician. Fortunately, there are several natural remedies which can easily be tried out at home to get rid of hives quickly. These home remedies for getting rid of hives not only help in relieving your symptoms, but can also double up as preventive measures. Treat hives naturally with these effective solutions mentioned below:

1. Cool bath

A refreshing shower or a cool bath is undoubtedly one of the easiest remedies for hive itch relief. Water therapy can be really effective when it comes to relieving your skin from the throes of inflammation. Avoid bathing in hot water during the spells of Urticaria (hives).

2. Cold compress

The application of ice packs or cold packs happens to be one of the most popular home remedies for getting rid of hives. Instead of an ice pack you can also use a frozen vegetable package. Wrap a thin layer of cloth around the cold pack and gently press on the affected regions of your body. Do this thrice a day, but keep the application time limited to 10 minutes, or else you might start feeling numb.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is one of the best home remedies for getting rid of hives. Consumption of aloe vera juice on a regular basis tremendously aids in the detoxifying process. However, drinking aloe vera juice is not recommended for children, as well as pregnant or lactating women.

Gently massage fresh aloe vera gel onto your skin and let it remain for about 15 minutes. Rinse off with water. Repeat this a couple of times in a day to cure hives fast.

4. Baking soda

Sodium bi-carbonate or baking soda is easily available and helps to treat hives quickly. Take a teaspoon of this soda and dissolve it in water. Apply in generous quantities all over your arms, neck and other parts of the body with eruptions.

5. Basil

Get instant relief from skin inflammation and those bouts of itching with the help of this powerful natural antihistamine. Place a tablespoon of basil leaves (dried) in a clean jar. Pour some hot water. Keep the jar covered and let it cool. Take a piece of dry cotton cloth and dab the patches of bee hives with this mixture.

6. Oatmeal paste

Oatmeal is always gentle on your skin and considered to be quite beneficial for baby hives. Take 2 cups of oatmeal and mix it with sufficient water for preparing a smooth paste. Add two tablespoons of cornstarch to the mixture and blend well. Slather this paste on your skin and let it remain for 15 to 20 minutes before washing off.

7. Milk of magnesia

Milk of magnesia is another dependable solution for the sufferers of urticaria, especially in the context of hive itch relief.