The Strongest Drink That Burns Stomach Fat Immediately

This powerful drink will eliminate the excess fat and water from your body. Also, it has the ability to improve brain function, memory, hearing and eyesight.

It contains horseradish, unpeeled lemons, and honey.

Horseradish has numerous health benefits, including the ability to stimulate weight loss, reduce blood pressure, relieve respiratory problems, strengthen the bones, improve the immune system, improve digestion, and improve heart health.

This plant is easily available and it has been used as natural remedy for numerous conditions for ages.

It is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc and manganese. Also, it contains enzymes and oils, such as sinigrin, which is a powerful glucosinolate.

It is very low in calories, just 6 in one serving. It has no fats, therefore it is perfect for weight loss.

You can keep fresh root all year, buried in moist sand or stored in the basement. If you have a larger root, you can grate the required amount, and the rest of the wrap in aluminum foil and leave in the refrigerator in a box of vegetables.

If you want your grated horseradish fresh after three weeks, combine it with a teaspoon of sugar and 4 tablespoons of lemon juice or vinegar and close it tightly. Your horseradish will stand in the fridge even up to 3 weeks.


– 125 g of horseradish
– 3 lemons (before use, place them in a container filled with water and a tablespoon of vinegar for 10 minutes to wash away pesticides)
– 3 tablespoons honey


Combine 125 grams of horseradish and mix well. Cut the lemons (unpeeled), remove the seeds, and add them in the blender. Mix everything together until you get a smooth consistency. Then, add three tablespoons of honey and mix everything well.

Keep this drink in a sealed jar in the fridge.


Take one teaspoon of the resulting mixture two times a day with meals in a period of three weeks.