In this article we’re going to explain candida to you : What is it ?  How do you know if you have it?  What do you do about it if you do have it ?

Everyone has candida. Candida albicans is a yeast that inhabits the mouths and intestinal tracts of all humans.  When you are healthy, the candida in your body lives in a symbiotic relationship with you and it will help you to destroy harmful bacteria and clean up any excess unabsorbed sugar from your body.
When there is an imbalance in blood sugar levels, candida will be given the opportunity to grow to a level that is not optimal for the human body.

What Causes Candida To Grow Out Of Control?

A nutrient poor diet that is rich in refined carbohydrates.
A compromised immune system.
Heavy metals in the body.
Bacterial imbalance – Over use of antibiotics without replacing lost beneficial bacteria.
Inadequate stomach acid levels and other digestive enzymes.
How Do I Know If I Have A Candida Overgrowth?

Candida flourishes in dark, damp sugar rich environments, and so outbreaks are most common in the mouth, vagina, groin area and the intestinal tract.

There is no one symptom that will tell you that you have an overgrowth. If you have a candida overgrowth, you will most likely have more than one of the following symptoms.

Note: If you identify with a few of the following symptoms, that does not mean you have a candida imbalance. Bacterial imbalances, regular yeast infections, poor digestive function and imbalanced hormones share many of the same symptoms as candida.

This means that the treatment for candida in many ways will be very similar to the treatments that would cause other issues that may manifest like candida.

Here are common symptoms associated with candida:

Thrush – in the mouth or other areas of the body;
Brain fog – lack of ability to focus the mind;
Poor Digestion (gas and bloating);
Extreme sugar cravings;
Excessive fatigue;
Muscle weakness;
Loss of appetite;
Mood Swings;
Rectal itching;
Athletes foot;
Chronic pain;
Soar throat;

Note: If you are experiencing many of the symptoms mentioned above, you should go see a Naturopath just to be sure that there is not a deeper imbalance going on that needs professional attention.

How Do I Treat A Candida Imbalance?

Having a balance lifestyle is your best defence against a Candida overgrowth!

You should keep in mind that your body is designed for health. It wants to be and fights to be in balance, so choosing dietary and lifestyle habits that support your bodies natural balance will help lead your body back to balance.

Here are few simple tips to bring the body back into balance:

Reduce Processed And Refined Sugars
Foods that cause blood sugar imbalances by spiking blood sugar levels, is causing the body to have to produce lots of insulin, which will lead to a blood sugar crash. You should avoid a high sugar fruits like bananas and mangoes, and consume fruits with lower sugar fruits such as  berries, green apples, pears and cherries.

Drink Fresh Water
Proper hydration is important for our body.  Adequate water intake can help to flush out unwanted pathogens and bacteria, helping to balance our body.

You need to skip all drinks with added sugars like store bought fruit juices, sodas, coffee drinks. The best choice is water or herbal teas.

Eat A fibre Rich Diet
A diet that is rich in fibre is great for your body, plus can have a profound healing effect on candida imbalance. Fibre will act as a prebiotic, feeding the good bacteria in your system that will help to defend you against an overgrowth of candida yeast.  A fibre rich diet will also help to move toxins out of your digestive system, which means a cleaner body, a cleaner bloodstream, and less chance of pathogenic bacteria thriving.

Reduce or Eliminate Dairy
When it comes to candida imbalances dairy is one of the worst offenders.

Dairy is one of the most acid forming foods you can eat.It  throws your alkaline balance out of whack, which can create an ideal environment for candida outbreaks. Dairy is also producing an excess of mucus which will further hinder your body’s ability to properly release toxins.

Consume Naturally Fermented Foods
Fermented foods can help to increase the number of good bacteria you have populating your intestinal track, which will improve your digestive health, as well as your ability to fight candida overgrowth.

Rest And Relax
Here’s what can you do to reduce stress in your life:

Take15 minutes of your lunch break to go out for a walk;
Stopp periodically throughout your day to take 10-20 deep belly breaths;
Turn off all electronics 30-60 minutes before bed;
Start your day with a cup of tea and a journal;
Play with your children or pets, it is a wonderful feeling.