The virus HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), nowadays is widely spread thus causing skin infection or skin warts; they usually appear on hands and fingers, but as well as on the underarms, neck, groin, eyelids, tummy, and under the breasts.

They are not contagious disease, but a boring one as esthetically can become a problem. However, if there is a regular occurrence of warts you have to consult a dermatologist. The usual treatment is with electro-coagulation, laser or radio surgical treatment.

There are natural recipes, and we will present you with one here in the text.

Apple Cider Vinegar Remedy – it can be used almost at any body part, but with caution, except the eyelids. The acidity of the apple cider vinegar will help to eliminate wart or fibroma, but used on the eyelids can cause harm to the eyes.

How to apply it– Initially you have to nicely clean the location around the fibroma by using water and soap. The fibroma has to be soaked in water for 15 minutes or properly rubbed with a toothbrush. After 15 minutes you have to dry it.

Then use a drench or a cotton pad soaked in the apple cider vinegar and apply it on the affected area, and use a plaster to secure it. Now, let it stay for 15 minutes, and then wash it properly by only using plain water. You can apply it three times a day, and use it until the fibroma is removed. First it will become darker, and then it will fell off by itself.

After the wart has fallen, a scar might appear on the skin; in that case you can use aloe vera gel or marigold lotion to avoid this occurrence.

NOTE: Please be cautious when applying apple cider vinegar on your skin due to the fact that a scab might appear. If this happens stop using this remedy, do not touch the scab, and wait to fell off by itself.