How to Use Intermittent Fasting to Supercharge Weight Loss, and Lower Risk of Disease

Mark Mattson, the chief of neuroscience in the National Institute on Aging, spent almost 20 years of his career in researching/studying the influence of nutrition on brain cells. Based on his findings, Mattson together with his colleagues decided to start practicing intermitted fasting either every other day, or 21 hours each day.

His study included three groups of identical mice. Those in the first group ate as much as they wanted. The second group was fed on calorie-restricted diet, having their normal calorie intake cut by 40 percent.  The mice in the third group ate everything they wanted and fated the next day. At the end of the study he compared the results of all three groups. The best results showed the group who was under the intermittent regimen.

According to Mattson, this short-term fasting stimulates the creation of proteins in the brains. These specific proteins promote the growth of new nerve cells and protect the cells from oxidative damage. Furthermore, the study have showed that intermitted fasting may prevent many health conditions, including Alzheimer`s, Hunington`s and Parkinson`s disease. Also, it can protect from diabetes and heart issues.

People usually choose 21-hour fasting rather than fasting every other day, explains Mattson, and the effects are almost the same. Mattson usually skips his breakfast and sometimes his lunch. Although he continues eating as many calories as normal, he only eats between 6 and 8 pm every day.

His period of adaptation to this regimen lasted for about a month. Now, he finds it perfectly normal.

How you should do it:

First, start with skipping breakfast for several weeks. Then, gradually start skipping lunch as well. The period when you can eat as much as you want is in the early evening, in an interval of two to three hours.

However, you will have to continue consuming healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, lean meats and other proteins. Make sure you eat a couple hours before going to sleep to prevent acid reflux and sleeping problems.

There are some side effects as well, including low energy, low blood sugar, irritability which in healthy body does not cause any complications. Consume plenty of water during the day.

Note: Pregnant women, teenagers and children should not practice this diet. Also, if you suffer from any chronic disease or you are taking any medications, consult your doctor first.