How To Balance Your Armpit Bacteria To Never Smell Again (No Deodorant Required)

Sunny days and gym class become stressful when we are talking about the body odor. Over 90% of adults and adolescents in America use some type of antiperspirant or deodorant in an effort to avoid smelliness. The latest research has shown that 80% of people do not genetically need antiperpspirant or deodorant, but use one anyway.

We smell the most when we actually sweat a lot. Sweat itself doesn’t smell. The reality is that the presence of bacteria in our armpit makes us stinky. The amino acids and lipids found in the sweat are broken down by these bacteria and turn it into substance that causes the body odor.

e are all aware of the frightening side effects of extensive use of antiperpspirant and deodorants.

The Armpit, Your Ecosystem

The armpit naturally has a pot of bacteria just like our gut. This part of the body is the most populated places on the surface of the body.

We have the same situation with our armpit just like our gut. It can be destabilized from certain antibiotics and foods that allow problematic microbes to take over and eliminate beneficial bacteria.

healthy, balance is our goal, like any ecosystem. It can be problematic at first if you abstain from these ecosystem, but beneficial and stabilize with time.